Masahiko (my host dad) goes to the men’s side, good..., I didn't dare asking if we would be separate because that would have made me uncomfortable.
After taking our shoes off at the entrance of the spa hotel we are now getting undressed on tatamis and putting our clothes into a basket. So here I am, all naked, like Madoka warned me. I am ok with this but I still will put my towel in front of me to hide my breasts because I feel different than when I am dancing naked in my living room on sunday morning.
We have to rinse our body first, and we are now sitting on a tiny little wooden bench showering and rinsing. Then off we go into the steaming hot water outside. It is beautiful! I am the only westerner here and the women are looking at me but I don’t feel they are wondering or judging, I only feel they are looking at me and thinking, "oh a tourist, let’s watch her getting her “derriere” burned!" So I step in with just one foot and ... ahhhhh.... it is soooooo Hooooooot, I already have to step out. I explain to Madoka and her mom that I really enjoy this but I will take my time getting into the bath because it is a little hot for me.
Everyone is deep in the hot spring up to their neck but I still have water up to my ankles only. Darn! I look like a fool standing here with my towel in front of me, everybody is watching the blond girl with the short hair who looks that she is not from here, hiding her breast like it's something different than theirs (they probably really want to see under my towel now that I made it so secret). Ok let’s go! 1, 2, 3… Nope, too hot! But I now have water up to my knees. Oh! That is too hot, I am getting out again, and oh great, now they can see my bottom of course because I turned around to go up the little stairs. Oh this is ridiculous, I have to get in. Madoka’s mom tells me that the water is cooler on the other side, away from the fountain source. "Ok, that sound’s good mommy, let’s go there Madoka!"... Ahhhhh, What do you mean it is cooler? Yeah like one degree, that’s all!. But here I have to go because I looked enough like a fool dancing around from one foot to an other with water only to my knees.
1…,2…, 3…. This time I’m in, Awwwwwwww, this feels great, ...and too hot, burning,... and great again and... awwwwww,... what a relaxing way of spending the afternoon. Cool (I mean... hot!), I like it! But I already have to take a little break from this lobster cooking water, so I sit on the rocks on the edge and keep my feet inside, and I feel ok doing that because other women are doing it too. Madoka reassures me by saying that this water is very very good for our health and our skin and it helps us to live longer. OK! I get back in I want to live longer. This magic steaming burning hot water better make me live at least up to a healthy 100 years old, i am telling you.
Hi Cecile,
I did not know that you felt damned hot, like boiled lobster. I was sorry for not taking notise of your mind. I could remember certainly, you were getting blush red! But that was cute!
And I should tell you about dividing along gender lines in Onsen(hot spa)! It is very common sense for us Japanese, so I forgot to tell you it. You were concerned about being naked in front of my dad, werent you? Oh, so pity! but bit laugh laugh!
I am your japanese sister.
They say "neko-jita" (cat tongue) in Japanese if you can't eat your food when it's very hot...wonder what they say if you can't get into the hot spring? (I had to keep getting out at my first hot spring, too-- you do get used to it, eventually.)
How many days are you guys with the same host family? It sounds like you're getting some good host family bonding time!
Hi Cecile, Thanks for the great story. How did the presentations go?
So Joel will eat a grasshopper, but not a fish??? If he really ate the grasshopper (I don't believe he did) Rebecca may never kiss him again (get the hint Mike).
What is the age of your Japanese sister?
From Cecile
Rome: We are staying only 2 nights with each host family and that is a shame when we are with the type of wonderful family I was in. I was so sad to leave them. We are now a wonderful fancy spa resort though, but I miss playing kimono dressup with Madoka.
Patti: Madoka, my Japanese sister is the same age as me, so it was perfect. And I heard that in my next host family (in two days) my host sister is also the same age as me, this should be so fun.
And guys, to reassure everyone about the temperature of the hot spring, we went last night in the hot spring of the hotel and it wasn't as hot, it was very very comfortable. I think the first one was very very much hotter. But I would change anything about my experience because Madoka was with me to teach me the washing ritual of it that precedes the soaking, since it was my first time.
I am encouraging the other team members to write stories, and I think they are preparing a few. (I heard Sarah in quiet a writer). The deal is that the blog setup here shows in Japanese on the screen and it makes it very very challenging to post things, but we are managing, as you can see.
We are today going to visit a Dam and pick up japanese pears, it will be nice.
Love Cecile
Hi Cecile, Your logs are great; I really look forward to them. When I visited Ruth in Japan, I only experienced the hotel Onsen and it was wonderful. I felt a little funny in the hotel onsen naked on the little wooden stool dumping buckets of water on me. It was very fun though.
I LOVE your pictures especially you in the komono. I own a traditional dress so when you return, I will show you.
Hi to Mike and all and keep writing.
love, patti =-)
Hi Cecile,
The story was great. This is also a great way to keep your journals. Talk to everyone about posting their stories as well. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures.
I like the picture of you eating the grasshopper. So you like bugs instead of fish. I can arrange that at home as supper for your return. Ha Ha just joking. Make sure you brush and floss your teeth well if you want me to kiss you when you return.
Joel, Michael, and Sara,
Please write some stories and if you can post more pictures. It's fun to read the adventures.
Have lots of fun and be safe.
Hello everyone in Arizona,
My English is not perfect, if i make mistakes, or write strange grammar, or missspell in English, i hope you can forgive me.
Cecile's host sisiter
Interesting to know.
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